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We work in quantum mechanics and its foundations: the measurement problem, the meaning of the wave function, entaglement and nonlocality, the quantum-to-classical transition, the relation between quantum theory and relativity/gravity.

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Exploring the Accuracy of Interferometric Quantum Measurements under Conservation Laws, our research in PRL
We study a modified version (arguably within reach of present technology) of a typical interferometric measurement scheme so that energy conservation enters in a non-trivial way. In such a case, the measurement accuracy is limited by fundamental bounds due to energy conservation. We characterize the measurement error in relation to…
Angelo Bassi publishes on PRL
Our paper "X-Ray Emission from Atomic Systems Can Distinguish between Prevailing Dynamical Wave-Function Collapse Models" published on Physical Review Letters. The work proposes a novel method to test collapse models using X-ray emissions from atomic systems. These models challenge the standard quantum theory by offering explanations for why quantum superpositions…
Laria Figurato wins third-best poster prize
Laria won third place for the best poster at the "Emergence of Classicality: New Perspectives on Measurements in Quantum Theory" conference at Trinity College Dublin from 15th to 19th July 2024.
Reservoir-Free Decoherence in Flying Qubits, our research in PRL
In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a precise position but are delocalized within a certain length. For certain quantum information applications, this length is usually neglected but we managed to take it into account for a large class of interesting processes and found that it cannot always be neglected. In…

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Department of Physics
University of Trieste
Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste Italy

Phone: 0039 040 2240 315
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and INFN


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